
7F Extended NMI sources enabling is in progress.
80 The keyboard test has started. Clearing the output buffer and
checking for stuck keys. Issuing the keyboard reset command
81 A keyboard reset error or stuck key was found. Issuing the
Controller interface test command next.
82 The keyboard controller interface test completed. Writing the
command byte and initializing the circular buffer next.
83 Command byte written, Global data init done. To check for
84 Locked key checking is over. Checking for a memory size
mismatch with
CMOS RAM data next.
85 The memory size check is done. Displaying a soft error and
checking for a password or bypassing Setup next.
86 Password checked. About to do programming before setup.
87 The programming before Setup has completed. Uncompressing
the Setup code and executing the AMIBIOS Setup utility next.
88 Returned from CMOS setup program and screen is cleared.
About to do programming after setup.
89 The programming after Setup has completed. Displaying the
power on
Screen message next.
The first screen message has been displayed. The <WAIT>
message is displayed. Performing the PS/2 mouse check and
extended BIOS data area allocation check next.
Code Description
8C Programming the Setup options next.
8D Going for hard disk controller reset.
8F Hard disk controller reset done. Floppy setup to be done next.
91 The floppy drive controller has been configured. Configuring the
hard disk drive controller next.
95 Initializing the bus option ROMs from C800 next.
96 Initializing before passing control to the adaptor ROM at C800.
97 Initialization before the C800 adaptor ROM gains control has
The adaptor ROM check is next.
98 The adaptor ROM had control and has now returned control to
Performing any required processing after the option ROM
returned control.
99 Any initialization required after the option ROM test has