Electric Portable Patient Lift - RPA6001E 20 Part No 1078988
Attaching a Sling to the Swivel Bar
The maximum weight capacity of the RPA600-1E patient lift is 600 lbs. DO NOT
exceed the maximum weight capacity of the patient lift otherwise, injury or damage
may occur.
Before using the sling, read and understand all operating instructions provided in
the sling owner’s manual.
Bleached, torn, cut, frayed or broken slings are unsafe and could result in injury.
Discard IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT alter slings in any way.
Invacare slings are made specifically for use with Invacare Patient Lifts. For the
safety of the patient, DO NOT use slings and patient lifts of different manufacturers.
1. Placethe strapsoftheslingov erhooksoftheswive lbar.
2. Matchthecorrespondingcolorsoneach sideoftheslingforanev en liftofthepatient.
NOTE:TheInvacareSwivelBarshavethr eehookuppointsperside.
The patient lift MUST be moved with the push handles on the mast assembly -
otherwise, injury or damage may occur.
DO NOT move the patient outside the center of gravity achieved after the patient
is suspended in the sling and the patient lift adjusts.
3. Liftthepatient.RefertoLifting/MovingthePatient.
Lifting/Moving the Patient
DO NOT lock the rear casters of the lift when lifting an individual. Locking the rear
casters could cause the lift to tip and endanger the patient and assistants.
DO NOT move the patient if the sling is not properly connected to the hooks of the
swivel bar. When the sling is elevated a few inches off the surface of the bed and before
moving the patient, check again to make sure that the sling is properly connected to the
hooks of the swivel bar. If any attachments are NOT properly in place, lower the
patient back onto the stationary surface and correct this problem - otherwise, injury or
damage may occur.
Adjustments for safety and comfort should be made before moving the patient.
Patient's arms should be inside of the straps.
DO NOT use slings and patient lifts of different manufacturers. Invacare slings are
made specifically for use with Invacare patient lifts. Injury or damage may occur.