Model 8690 User Guide (ITP Mode)
To improve voice quality and security, your network administrator may place your
endpoint in a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN).
A VLAN is a network of computers that behave as if they are connected to the same
wire, even though they may be physically located on different segments of a LAN.
VLANs minimize congestion on the network because they allow voice and data to be
routed more efficiently. If your endpoint resides on a VLAN, your network adminis-
trator may instruct you to program the VLAN ID for the ports.
NOTE: Do not configure the VLAN ID for your endpoint unless instructed to do so by
your network administrator.
To configure VLAN IDs for the ports:
1. Press Start - Settings - Control Panel.
2. Double-press Network and Dial-up Connections.
3. Double-press AUMAC1. The 'AU1x00 Ethernet Controller' Settings dialog box
opens as shown above.
4. Select the VLAN tab.
5. Select the VLAN ID number (supplied by your network administrator) for the
Phone Port and the Downlink Ports using the associated scroll buttons.
6. Press OK.
7. Save the registry (see page 14).