RAD-Series 7.1 Getting Started Guide
Interlink Networks, Inc. Page 6
Installing RAD-Series Software
To install the software:
1 Log on as root.
2 Run the installer:
# sh /download directory path/RAD-Series.7.1.0.linux.i686.bin
Note: The installer will prompt you for each step of the process. To return to a previous step, enter back
until you reach the form you need. To exit the installer, enter quit.
3 Enter the option number for each component to install on this machine, separated by commas
(no spaces). For example:
Your options are:
4 Enter the installation directory for each file type. To accept the default directories, just press
Enter at each prompt.
If this is a fresh installation, then also:
5 Enter a shared secret. This is a code used to establish a trust relationship between the AAA
Server and its test utility. It cannot be more than 255 characters or contain spaces. The default
6 Enter a test user password. This password is used to test installation. The user password
cannot have spaces or the backslash character. The default is password.
Option Component Required
1 Server—the AAA Server programs,
configuration files, libraries, plug-ins
On each host machine.
2 Server Manager—the browser-based
interface for configuring and administering
the server(s)
On a local server host machine. Only one
installation is needed.
3 Remote Control—the RMI objects that
facilitate communication between the
Server Manager program and remote
servers that host the AAA Server software
On each machine you will administer
remotely. You do not need Server Manager
on these machines.
4 Oracle server—the db_srv daemon that
provides the interface between the Oracle
database and AAA Server.
On the machine that hosts the Oracle
database. If not the same as the AAA
Server host, install this component later on
the Oracle host.