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Add KeypadLinc Button to a Scene as a Responder (also known as Responder Setup)
1) Press and hold the Scene Controller (the other INSTEON device) button until it beeps
Controller’s LED will blink
2) When the scene is activated
• If you want the LED
i. Tap KeypadLinc’s Scene Responder button until LED is on
• If you want the LED OFF
i. Tap KeypadLinc’s Scene Responder button until LED is off
3) Press and hold KeypadLinc’s Set button until it double-beeps
KeypadLinc’s scene button’s LED will flash once and return to its previous state
Controller will (Beep)-(Beep)
and its LED will stop blinking
4) Confirm that Scene addition was successful by tapping on then off on the controller’s scene button
KeypadLinc’s scene button’s LED will toggle between On and Off
Remove KeypadLinc Button from a Scene as a Responder (also known as Responder
Note: If you are going to discontinue using KeypadLinc, it is very important that you remove it from all of
its scene controllers. Otherwise, the controllers will retry commands repetitively and creating network
1) Press and hold the Controller’s Scene button
2) Press and hold the Controller’s Set button until it beeps
(or LED blinks)
Controller’s LED blinking
3) Press and hold the Controller’s Set button until Controller beeps again
(5 seconds if no beeper)
Controller’s LED blinking
4) Tap KeypadLinc’s Responder Button you are removing
5) Press and hold Set button on KeypadLinc until it double-beeps
KeypadLinc’s scene button’s LED will flash once and return to previous state
Controller will (Beep)-(Beep)
and its LED will stop blinking
6) Confirm that Unlinking was successful by tapping the Controller’s scene button a couple times
KeypadLinc will no longer respond
Removing KeypadLinc from a Scene as a Controller (also known as Unlinking Mode)
Note: If you are no longer going to use a scene responder of KeypadLinc, it is very important that you
remove its scene membership. Otherwise, KeypadLinc will retry every scene command repetitively, thus
creating network delays.
1) Tap the scene button on KeypadLinc
If the controller does not have a beeper, wait until its LED begins blinking
Load will mimic LED state for toggle buttons, for the ON and OFF buttons tap the desired scene state
Most models
For devices without beepers hold until its LED begins blinking (this may take 10+ seconds)
Most models