MHD56087 - Edition 4 9
(Dwg. MHP1142)
Wire Rope Selection
Consult a reputable wire rope manufacturer or distributor for
assistance in selecting the appropriate type and size of wire rope,
and where necessary, a protective coating. Use a wire rope which
provides an adequate safety factor to handle the actual working
load and that meets all applicable industry, trade association,
federal, state and local regulations.
When considering wire rope requirements the actual working load
must include not only the static or dead load but also loads
resulting from acceleration, retardation and shock load.
Consideration must also be given to the size of the winch wire
rope drum, sheaves and method of reeving. Wire rope construction
must be 6 X 19 or 6 X 37 Extra Improved IWRC right lay. Refer to
Table 2 for minimum and maximum recommended wire rope
Note: To maintain 5:1 safety factor ratio 9/16 inch (14 mm) wire
rope must be used.
Installing Wire Rope
Refer to Dwg. MHP0652 on page 9.
1. Cut wire rope to length and fuse end to prevent fraying of
strands in accordance with the wire rope manufacturer’s
2. Feed the end of the wire rope into the wire rope anchor hole
in the drum and pull through approximately three feet
(1 metre) of wire rope.
3. Forming a large loop with the wire rope, insert the end back
into the top of the anchor hole.
4. Place the wire rope wedge into the wire rope anchor pocket in
the drum. Install the wedge such that the wire rope will wrap
around the wedge as shown in Dwg. MHP0652 on page 9.
Wire Rope Installation
(Dwg. MHP0652)
5. Pull the wire rope into position in the drum anchor pocket.
Ensure the wire rope is installed below the edge of the drum
flange diameter. Use of a copper drift or similar tool may be
required to fully insert wire rope and wedge into the anchor
• Make sure first wrap of wire rope is tight and lays flush
against drum flange.
• Ensure correct wire rope anchor is used.
• Install wire rope to come off drum in an overwind position.
Improper installation of wire rope can result in failure of the
disc brake to hold load. Refer to Dwg. MHP0652 on page 9.
Safe Wire Rope Handling Procedures
1. Always use gloves when handling wire rope.
2. Never use wire rope which is frayed or kinked.
3. Never use wire rope as a sling.
4. Always ensure wire rope is correctly spooled and the first
layer is tight against the drum.
5. Always follow wire rope manufacturers’ recommendation on
use and maintenance of wire rope.
Table 2 - Minimum and Maximum Wire Rope Size
Wire Rope
Anchor Part
Minimum Maximum
mm inch mm
Contact Factory 1/4
24258 9/16
14 3/4 18