Ensure the pulley and sheave are properly aligned and the motor
anchor screws are adequately retightened prior to restarting the
CAUTION Improper pulley/sheave alignment and belt tension
can result in motor overload, excessive vibration,
and premature belt and/or bearing failure.
To prevent these problems from occurring, ensure the pulley and
sheave are aligned and belt tension is satisfactory after installing
new belts or tensioning existing belts.
ELECTRIC DRAIN MAINTENANCE _____________________
NOTE The following maintenance schedule has been
developed for typical applications. Maintenance
intervals should beshortened in harsher
DAILY Test the valve for proper
operation. Clean the filter screen
if needed.
MONTHLY (EVERY 30 DAYS) Clean the filter screen.
To clean the filter screen, perform the following steps:
1. Close the strainer ball valve completely to isolate it from the air
receiver tank.
2. Press the TEST button on the timer to vent the pressure remaining
in the valve. Repeat until all pressure is removed.
•CAUTION High pressure air can cause injury from flying
debris. Ensure the strainer ball valve is completely
closed and pressure is released from the valve prior
to cleaning.
3. Remove the plug from the strainer with a suitable wrench. If you
hear air escaping from the cleaning port, STOP IMMEDIATELY and
repeat steps 1 and 2.
4. Remove the stainless steel filter screen and clean it. Remove any
debris that may be in the strainer body before replacing the filter
5. Replace plug and tighten with wrench.
6. When putting the EDV-2000 back into service, press the TEST
button to confirm proper function.
TANK INSPECTION __________________________________
The life of an air receiver tank is dependent upon several factors
including, but not limited to, operating conditions, ambient
environments, and the level of maintenance. The exact effect of
these factors on tank life is difficult to predict; therefore,
Ingersoll-Rand recommends that you schedule a certified tank
inspection within the first five years of compressor service. To
arrange a tank inspection, contact Ingersoll-Rand.
If the tank has not been inspected within the first 10 years of
compressor service, the receiver must be taken out of service until
it has passed inspection. Tanks that fail to meet requirements must
be replaced.
•WARNING Failure to replace a rusted air receiver tank could
result in air receiver tank rupture or explosion,
which could cause substantial property damage,
severe personal injury, or death. Never modify or
repair tank. Obtain replacement from service center.
Position of weight and thrust pin when unit is operating.