Special items
Blankets and bedcovers: acrylic items (Acilian, Courtelle,
Orion, Dralon) must be dried with great care at low heat.
Avoid drying for long periods.
Creased or pleated garments: read the drying instructions
supplied by the manufacturer.
Starched garments: do not dry together with non-
starched items. Remove the maximum amount of starch
solution possible before placing these items in the dryer. Do
not over-dry: starch turns powdery leaving garments limp
this defeats its purpose.
Drying times
Drying times are approximate and may vary depending on
the following:
Amount of water retained by items after the spin cycle:
towels and delicate items retain a lot of water.
Fabrics: items of the same fabric, but with different texture
and thickness may have different drying times.
Amount of laundry: single items and small loads may take
longer to dry.
Drying: if items are to be ironed, they can be removed
from the dryer while still slightly damp. Items that require
complete drying can be left longer.
Heat setting.
Temperature of the room: the lower the temperature of
the room, the longer it will take for the dryer to dry
Bulk: certain bulky items require special care during the
drying process. We suggest removing these items and
replacing them in the dryer once they have been shaken
out: repeat this procedure several times during the course
of the drying cycle.
Do not over-dry items.
All fabrics contain natural dampness which helps to keep
them soft and fluffy.
The drying times provided refer to the automatic Cupboard
dry programmes.
The weight refers to dry items.
Automatic drying times
High heat
Drying times after 800-1000 rpm wash cycles
Half load Full load
1 kg 2 kg 3 kg 4 kg 5 kg 6 kg 7 kg 8 kg
30 - 40
40 - 55
55 - 70
70 - 80
80 - 90
95 - 120
120 - 140
130 - 150
Low heat
Drying times after wash cycles at lower speeds
Half load Full load
1 kg 2 kg 3 kg
40 - 50 minutes 50 - 70 minutes 70 - 90 minutes
Low heat
Drying times after wash cycles at lower speeds
Half load Full load
1 kg 2 kg
40 - 60 minutes 55 - 75 minutes