10.1 Using the Camera application
The Camera application, explained in this section, lets you use your Pocket PC’s built-in
camera to snap new photos or shoot video clips with accompanying audio. The Album ap-
plication, explained in the next section, provides many powerful features to view, organize,
and manipulate your image, video, and audio les.
Two of the ways you can use to switch to Camera mode are:
n Tap Start > Programs > Camera.
n Or, press the lowermost button on the left side of your Pocket PC Phone.
When you initially enter Camera mode, the Photo capture mode will be active. The name of
the active capture mode is displayed in the lower right area of the screen (example illustrated
on page after next). You can easily switch to other capture modes by pressing the Right
and Left buttons on your Pocket PC’s navigation pad (see next page), or by tapping the
Left/Right triangular buttons in the lower right corner of the screen. The available capture
modes are listed below.
Capture mode Function
Photo Captures standard still images
Video Captures video clips, with or without accompanying audio
MMS Video Captures video clips suitable for sending via MMS
Contact Photo Captures a still image and gives you the option to immediately
assign it as a Photo ID for a Contact entry
Picture Theme Captures still images and places them within “frames”
Using the above capture modes, the Camera application is capable of capturing les in
the following formats:
Capture type Formats
Still image BMP
Video Motion-JPEG AVI (.avi)
MPEG-4 Simple prole (.mp4)
MMS Video 3GPP-H.263 baseline (.3gp)
MPEG-4 Simple prole (.mp4)
Pocket PC Phone User Manual
Using Camera
and Album
Pocket PC Phone User Manual
Using Camera
and Album