does not need to contain page-presentation controls to produce readable output on these printers.
However, you must consider the differences in printable areas between the printers.
When you replace an IBM 3800 printer with IBM’s Infoprint 3900 printer or Infoprint 4000 printer, you need
to migrate the applications that were running on the 3800 printer. Printing Systems has offerings that assist
in migrating the applications.
The 3800-3 and 3800-6 printers have two different operating modes:
v 3800 Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) mode operating under Print Services Facility (PSF)
v 3800-1 compatibility mode (also called “line mode”) operating under JES alone.
There are migration considerations for applications running in either of these modes. This document
describes the migration considerations and IBM’s solution for them. This document covers migration for
IBM 3800 printers only. It does not cover migration from OEM printers that emulate 3800 printers. In
general, migration issues are the same for functions that faithfully emulate 3800 printer functions.
However, OEM printers may include functions that were not supported on 3800. Notably Siemens (now
OCE) printers included an “enhanced” line mode, also called “e-mode” that added additional formatting
capabilities. These functions are not discussed in this document and are not addressed by the offerings
described. If you are migrating from an OEM printer, contact Printing Systems Technical Support for
information specific to that printer.
In addition to having a unique non-AFP operating mode, the 3800 printer is the only IBM printer equipped
with a forms flash. In either 3800 AFP mode or 3800 line mode, the operator can load what is essentially a
large photo negative into the printer, and the printer will flash that negative onto the printed pages. If
applications are using a forms flash, this function must be replaced with an Electronic Overlay for AFP
applications, or with a flash diskette if the application is migrated to hardware line-mode.
3800 AFP Mode
The 3800-3 printer was the first IBM printer to support AFP. In general, 3800 AFP operates the same as
AFP on the newest Infoprint 4000 printers. But there are some differences caused by improvements in
implementation over the years. These differences are:
Fonts The 3800 AFP fonts are now called “unbounded box” fonts. All AFP printers since the 3800 use a
more advanced format of raster fonts called “bounded box”. The 3800 AFP fonts will not print on
any other AFP printer. You must have bounded-box fonts instead. If your applications are using
only IBM-supplied fonts, there is no problem. All the AFP fonts supplied by IBM for the 3800 are
AFCCU Continuous Form PrintersCut-Sheet Pages
Figure 60. No Compatibility Form Definition Required
Appendix A. Migrating Your 3800 Printer Applications 163