
connector. A means of establishing electrical flow.
cut-sheet paper. Paper that is cut into sheets.
data stream. (1) All data transmitted through a data
channel in a single read or write operation. (2) A
continuous stream of data elements being transmitted, or
intended for transmission, in character or binary-digit
form, using a defined format.
default. An alternative value, attribute, or option that is
assumed when none has been specified.
diagnostic. Pertaining to the detection and isolation of
errors in programs and faults in equipment.
disable. To make non-functional. Contrast with enable.
DRAM. Dynamic random-access memory.
dry ink. The material that forms the image on the
paper. Synonymous with toner.
DSC. 3270 Information Display System data-stream
DSE. Data switching exchange.
duplex printing. Printing on both sides of a sheet of
paper. Synonym for two-sided printing. Contrast with
simplex printing.
Ethernet. A 10-megabit baseband local area network
that allows multiple stations to access the transmission
medium at will without prior coordination, avoids
contention by using carrier sense and deference, and
resolves contention by using collision detection and
transmission. Ethernet uses carrier sense multiple
access with collision detection (CSMA/CD).
flash memory. A type of random-access storage that
preserves its contents when power is removed from it.
folio. 8.5 x 13 in. paper. Also called Legal 13.
font. (1) A family or assortment of characters of a given
size and style; for example, 9-point Bodoni modern. A
font has a unique name and may have a registry
number. (2) A font is data used to create an image of
each graphic character; for example, a raster pattern.
format. (1) The arrangement or layout of data on a
data medium. (2) The size, style, type of page, margins,
printing requirements, and so on, of a printed page.
forms. The material on which output data is printed,
such as paper or adhesive labels. See preprinted form.
forms path. The entire route that forms travel during
processing. The forms path usually begins where the
forms are loaded and ends at the stacker. Synonym for
paper path.
fuse. To use heat and pressure to blend toner onto
forms to make a permanent bond.
fuser. The assembly that bonds the toned image to the
paper, using heat and pressure.
graphic. A symbol produced by a process such as
handwriting, drawing, or printing. See also vector
graphic character. A character that is normally
represented by a graphic, independent of code points or
fonts. A graphic character is often in the form of a
spatial arrangement of adjacent or connected strokes;
for example, a letter or digit.
hard drive. A standalone disk drive that reads and
writes data on rigid disks and can be attached to a port
on the printer. Synonymous with fixed disk drive, hard
disk drive.
Hewlett-Packard Printer Command Language
(HP-PCL). A data stream used for printing on
Hewlett-Packard laser printers and compatible printers.
host system. (1) The primary or controlling computer
in a multiple-computer installation. (2) A computer used
to prepare programs for use on another computer or on
another data-processing system; for example, a
computer used to compile, link edit, or test programs to
be used on another system.
image. (1) A string of picture elements organized in
scan lines to represent the contrasting portions of a
picture. (2) A likeness or imitation of an object. (3) In
this printer, an image comprises a string of pels
organized in scan lines to represent the contrasting
portions of a picture. The image may consist of any
data stored as a raster pattern. The term image is
interchangeable with impression and is printed on one
side of a sheet of paper. See also impression.
impression. An implied or physical page. Used when
calculating the reduction of printer output caused by
switching the printer between duplex and simplex modes
or upper and lower paper supplies. See also image.
220 Network Printer 17: User’s Guide