Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 22 M/02-212
Temperature range max.: 0°C ... +90°C.
The cooling device “KE” is required to expand the temperature range to
-20°C ...+180°C
The temperature sensor Pt100 may be immersed in medium only at 2/3 of
the metal rod length! Cable must be always outside the medium.
If you want to measure with temperature control, the thermostat must be pre-set at the desired
temperature and you should wait till the necessary temperature of the substance is reached (e.g.
temperature measurements through the Pt100 menue point “Utilities → Meas.-Temperature”, see
Chapter 6).
Now the measurement can be carried out.
To remove the measuring system after the measurement first open the measuring bob coupling and
then unscrew the measuring cup thread.
Attention: If you have carried out measurements at higher or very low
temperatures please take care: Some accessible surfaces can become
very hot or cold. Before removing measuring system please wait till the
system-surface-temperature equalized to nearly room temperature and
allows you to touch the system without danger.
When unscrewing the measuring cup, you must hold the measuring
system tightly with one hand! Due to its own weight measuring system
would fall downwards.
Clean measuring cup and measuring bob carefully, do not use hard objects, always prevent scratches!
Store measuring bobs on a soft pad.
V.3 Measurement with temperature control device FTK-CC
In case of one-way measuring systems insert the one-way measuring cup into the measuring cup
Fill the measuring cup with substance (sample filling quantity see Appendix A1 “Data sheets of the
standard measuring system”).
Avoid air bubbles when filling in the substance as they result in non-reproducibility of the measured
Place the measuring bob in measuring cup. Lift the coupling sleeve of the measuring bob coupling (ring
visible). Insert the complete measuring system from below into the temperature control device and
screw tight using the measuring cup screw. Insert the measuring bob shaft into the measuring bob
coupling without impact. Now insert the measuring bob shaft completely into the measuring bob
coupling and move down the coupling sleeve of the measuring bob coupling (ring is covered).
The thermostat must now be pre-set at the desired temperature and you should wait till the necessary
temperature of the substance is reached (e.g. temperature measurements through the Pt100 menue
point “Utilities → Meas.-Temperature”, see Chapter 6).
Now the measurement can be carried out.