IBM System Storage DR550 Version 3.0 ------17 March 2006 Page 50
IBM Storage Systems Copyright © 2006 by International Business Machines Corporation
System Storage Archive Manager
Account Roles Password set at Factory
hacmpadm System Storage Archive Manager ID for use with
HACMP scripts
Has TSM operator authority
Password set to not expire (you may still want to
change it)
admin System Storage Archive Manager Administrator ID
Admin login and password is for all TSM
administrative usage
http;//<server ip / dns name>:1580
It is the customer’s responsibility to change the default passwords provided above and to
record and protect the new passwords. Changing the password should be done during the
initial installation. The password for root must be changed during the initial installation.
Changing the password for the TSM hacmpadm userid will also require a change in one of
the scripts provided (see Changing the TSM HACMPADM Password)
Configuring the Single Node System (P5 520 Server)
The System Storage DR550 single node configuration consists of a single P5 520 server. No
cluster configuration is included. It is important to understand how the single node configurations
are built so you can make the proper changes to incorporate the DR550 in to your network.
DR550 has been configured at the factory with specific settings. Some of these will need to be
changed. The setup process requires changing one IP address. The DR550 must have network
access to the applications which create or manage data that is to be retained. The DR550 must be
connected in to the customer’s IP network using the Ethernet adapter in slot 1 of the P5 520
server(s). This adapter can either be used to connect to a copper network (must order the TX
adapter) or a fiber optic network (must order the SX adapter) as referenced earlier in this document.
Connecting to Gigabit Ethernet (Fibre) Network
The following diagram shows the network as configured at the factory. The IP address that must be
changed for integration into the customer’s IP network is the address for the single P5 520 server.
You do not need to configure any other addresses on the DR550.