142 DB2 Deployment Guide
b. Update the database manager configuration file with the appropriate
TCP/IP service name. The service name is specified in the services file
located at /etc/services on Linux and UNIX systems and at
c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\services on Windows systems.
update dbm cfg using SVCENAME TCP/IP-service-name
c. Run the db2stop and db2start commands for the service name setting
change to take effect:
DB2_USE_DB2JCCT2_JROUTINE environment variable:
If you plan to run Java stored procedures or user-defined functions, ensure
that the DB2_USE_DB2JCCT2_JROUTINE DB2 environment variable is not
set, or is set to its default value of YES, yes, ON, on, TRUE, true, or 1 on DB2
for LUW servers.
If you have to run stored procedures under the DB2 JDBC Type 2 driver,
ensure that DB2_USE_DB2JCCT2_JROUTINE environment variable is set to
Java SDK path:
If you plan to run Java stored procedures or user-defined functions, update
the database manager configuration on DB2 servers to include the path
where the SDK for Java is located:
– For database systems on Linux or UNIX:
db2 update dbm cfg using JDK_PATH /home/db2inst/jdk15
Assuming that /home/db2inst/jdk15 is the path where the SDK for Java is
– For database systems on Windows:
db2 update dbm cfg using JDK_PATH c:\Program Files\jdk15
Assuming that c:\Program Files\jdk15 is the path where the SDK for Java
is installed.
To verify the correct value for the JDK_PATH field in the DB2 database
manager configuration, enter the following command on the database server:
db2 get dbm cfg
Note: The port number used for applets and SQLJ programs must be
the same as the TCP/IP SVCENAME number used in the database
configuration file.