Enable the Mail Portlet in Messaging
Perform the following steps to enable the Mail portlet in Messaging:
1. Login to the portal using a Portal Administrator ID (for example, wpsadmin) and password.
2. Go to the Messaging Welcome page.
3. Click the Mail tab.
4. Move the mouse pointer to the top of the Mail portal window and you will see a downward
pointing triangle on the right corner. Click on the triangle to see a down-drop list and select
configure from the list.
5. In the Mail Configuration portal window, select the IBM Lotus Notes radio button to select
Notes as the default Server Type/Protocol.
6. On the IBM Lotus Notes line, click the configure icon.
7. In the Mail portal window, enter the mail server name. For this Solution Starting Point, this is the
same as your directory server (for example, directory.mynetwork.com) and the port number
(for example, 80).
8. Click OK.
9. When it returns to the Mail configuration portal window, click Done.
10. Logout from the portal and login again using a non-administrator ID and password. Go to the
Messaging Welcome page and select the Mail tab to verify Lotus mail is available in the Mail
portal window.
Enable the Mail Portlet in Domino Web Integration
Perform the following steps to enable the Mail portlet in Domino Web Access:
1. Stop the IBM WebSphere Portal Express by going to the <was_profile_root>\bin directory
and enter the following command in a command prompt window:
stopserver.bat WebSphere_Portal -user <admin_userid> -password
2. Go to the <WP_root>\shared\app\config directory and locate the
CSEnvironment.properties file.
3. Make a backup copy of this file before editing it.
4. Open this file in a text editor.
5. Locate the following section in the file:
# Add default IIOP/ SSL port
6. Under the heading in the previous step, remove the comment tag (#) from the beginning of the
line that contains CS_SERVER_DOMINO_DIRECTORY_1.userid=
7. At the end of the line, add a user ID that has appropriate access in the LDAP directory that
supports Collaborative Services. Type the Lotus Domino LDAP fully-qualified name (for example,
cn=wpsadmin,o=organization_name) for the user.
8. Go to the line that contains CS_SERVER_DOMINO_DIRECTORY_1.encryptedpwd=
9. Remove the comment tag (#) from the beginning of the line.
10. Copy the line that contains CS_SERVER_DOMINO_DIRECTORY_1.encryptedpwd= and paste it
into a new file.
45 Collaborative Portal: Implementation Guide