
User’s Manual
IBM PowerPC 750GX and 750GL RISC Microprocessor
Page 20 of 377
March 27, 2006
Conventions Used in This Manual
Notational Conventions
mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold.
italics Italics indicate variable command parameters. For example: bcctrx. Book titles in text are
set in italics.
0x0 Prefix to denote a hexadecimal number.
0b0 Prefix to denote a binary number.
crfD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination Condition Register (CR) field.
rA, rB Instruction syntax used to identify a source General Purpose Register (GPR).
rD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination GPR.
frA, frB, frC Instruction syntax used to identify a source Floating Point Register (FPR).
frD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination FPR.
REG[FIELD] Abbreviations or acronyms for registers are shown in uppercase text. Specific bits, fields,
or ranges appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian mode
enable bit in the Machine State Register.
x In certain contexts, such as a signal encoding, this indicates a don’t care.
n Used to express an undefined numerical value.
NOT logical operator.
& AND logical operator.
| OR logical operator.
Indicates reserved bits or bit fields in a register. Although these bits can be written to as
either ones or zeros, they are always read as zeros.
0 0 0 0