Netfinity Manager 81
4. Choose a drive and directory from which the Netfinity
Manager program files will be copied.
Type in the Directory to Install from field the drive and
directory name where the Netfinity Manager program
files are located. The default is the drive and directory
from which the Netfinity Manager installation program
was started.
5. Type in the Directory to Install to field the drive and
directory in which to install the Netfinity Manager files.
Enter the drive and directory name to which the Netfin-
ity Manager program files will be copied. The default is
C:\NETFIN (on systems running OS/2) or C:\WNETFIN
(on systems running Windows 95 or Windows NT).
6. Click OK to save these settings and open the Netfinity
Manager Installation Program window.
7. Select installation options.
There is only one installation configuration for Netfinity
Manager. However, the Netfinity Manager program
offers several installation options. Each option enables
additional specialized feature of this product.
The available installation options are:
• Advanced System Management Support
Click Advanced System Management Support
to install the Advanced System Management ser-
vice on this system. Use this service to monitor
and manage IBM Advanced System Management
processors and adapters.
Important: If you install Advanced System Man-
agement support an enhanced ver-
sion of the Serial Connection
Control service, named Dynamic
Connection Manager, will be
installed instead of Serial Connec-
tion Control. For more information
on Advanced System Management