Intonation adjustment is the operation
of adjusting the location of the string at
the saddle to compensate for different
tuning. Follow the instructions of the par-
ticular bridge intonation below. Intona-
tion is properly set when the 12th fret
note and the 12th fret harmonic are exactly the same note. This is the center
point of the scale and the most accurate way of setting a standard scale length.
With the harmonic note as the standard, if the fretted note is flat, move the
bridge saddle forward toward the headstock (a) to decrease the string length. If
the fretted note is sharp, move it back away from the headstock (b) to increase
the string length intonation adjustments.
*Please note that strings can be broken when the saddle is moved, so always loosen the strings before making
any adjustments.
Intonation adjustment can be made by
adjusting the intonation screws at the
rear of the bridge clockwise to move the
saddle back and counter clockwise to
move the saddle forward.
Ibanez bass string action is set at the factory. However,
there are many reasons that an instrument's string height
can change. Instruments can be affected by changes in
temperature and moisture. High string action can make
basses difficult to play. If the string action is too low, fret
buzz or unclear notes can occur. To remedy this, follow
the instructions for the particular type of bridge installed.
In the case of string action, make sure the bass is in tune
and the truss rod is adjusted properly. Ibanez action is set to 2.0mm for the
treble side and 2.5mm for the bass side at the 12th fret. The action may also
need to be readjusted after the neck is adjusted or strings are changed to a
different gauge. Follow the instructions in the relevant bridge manual to make
To raise or lower the string action, insert the correct Allen
wrench into the screw at the saddle. To raise the saddle,
turn the wrench clockwise and to lower the saddle, turn
the wrench counter clockwise.