Bypassing Microsoft Windows Startup 3-25
Verifying Boot Order 3-25
Setting System Time and Date 3-26
Chapter 4: Wireless Network Configuration 4-1
Introduction 4-1
Summit Wireless Network Configuration 4-2
Important Notes 4-2
Summit Client Utility 4-3
Help 4-3
Summit Tray Icon 4-4
Wireless Zero Config Utility 4-5
How To: Use the Wireless Zero Config Utility 4-5
How to: Switch Control to SCU 4-5
Main Tab 4-6
Admin Login 4-7
Profile Tab 4-8
Buttons 4-9
Profile Parameters 4-10
Status Tab 4-12
Diags Tab 4-13
Global Tab 4-14
Custom Parameter Option 4-15
Global Parameters 4-16
Logon Options 4-20
Single Signon 4-21
Pre-Logon Connection 4-21
Sign-On vs. Stored Credentials 4-22
How to: Use Stored Credentials 4-22
How to: Use Sign On Screen 4-23
How to: Use Windows Username and Password 4-23
Windows Certificate Store vs. Certs Path 4-24
User Certificates 4-24
Root CA Certificates 4-24
How To: Use the Certs Path 4-24
How To: Use Windows Certificate Store 4-24
Configuring the Profile 4-26
No Security 4-27
WEP 4-28
LEAP 4-30