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Launch Error Messages
Launch displays a message if it encounters an error during the processing of a script. It is possible to get cascading error mes-
sages, as Launch does not stop processing the script if it encounters an error. An example of this would be a failure creating a
directory causing the failure of all files copied to that directory.
Here is a list of the possible error messages that could be given:
Error Message Given by Description
Bad wait code wait-code Launch
The wait-code wasn’t recognized
Directory Creation Failed error-
MkDir There was a problem encountered creating the directory
Directory Removal Failed error-
RmDir There was a problem encountered removing the directory
Error reading script file - An error occurred reading the script file.
File Copy Failed error-code Copy
There was a problem encountered copying the file
File Delete Failed error-code Delete There was a problem encountered deleting the file
Invalid Command: command - The command wasn’t recognized
Invalid Data Length data SetRegData Tried to set more than 2000 byte values in a binary field
Invalid Data Type type SetRegData The value of the type parameter is invalid
Invalid decimal data data SetRegData The data field doesn’t contain decimal data
Invalid hex data data SetRegData The data field doesn’t contain hexadecimal data
Invalid Registry Key key DelRegData
The key parameter to the command has not been recognized
Parms: Invalid Create Directory MkDir Not enough parameters were supplied.
Parms: Invalid Create Registry Key SetRegKey Not enough parameters were supplied.
Parms: Invalid Create Shortcut Shortcut Not enough parameters were supplied.
Parms: Invalid Delete Registry
DelRegData Not enough parameters were supplied.
Parms: Invalid Delete Registry Key DelRegKey Not enough parameters were supplied.
Parms: Invalid File Copy Copy
Not enough parameters were supplied.
Parms: Invalid File Delete Delete Not enough parameters were supplied.
Parms: Invalid Program Name Launch
Not enough parameters were supplied.
Parms: Invalid Remove Directory RmDir Not enough parameters were supplied.
Parms: Invalid Set Registry Data SetRegData Not enough parameters were supplied.
Parms: Invalid User Message Message Not enough parameters were supplied.
Program Launch couldn't get Exit-
Code error-code
There was a problem getting the exit status of the program.
Program Launch Failed error-code Launch
There was a problem executing the program.
Registry Key Create Failed error-
SetRegKey There was a problem creating the registry key given.
Registry Key Delete Failed error-
DelRegKey There was a problem deleting the registry key given.