CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 31
FT - Fill type
FT n(, d(, q))[;]
n ; Fill type d ; option 1 q ; option 2
Sets the fill type, interval and angle when filling an area. This setting is effective for the commands FP,
RA, RR, WG and CF.
The value for n must be a clamped integer number
Fill type Description Option 1 Option 2
1 Solid black (bi-directional fill)
2 Solid black (single directional fill)
3 hatching (parallel line) fill interval fill angle
4 cross-hatching fill interval fill angle
10 shading shading level
11 HP-GL/2 user-defined raster-fill index
21 PCL cross-hatching pattern type
22 PCL user-defined pattern ID
130 shading (one of sixty-four gray scales) Shading level
option 1 for n=3 or 4 is the setting for the interval of the lines in the fill. This is specified in current units.
If d is omitted or 0, it is set to the default value which is 1% of the diagonal distance between P1 and P2.
Option 2 for n=3 and 4 is the setting of the angle for the lines in degrees.
If q is omitted, the fill angle already specified will be used.
The value of q is a clamped real number.
Option 1 for n=10 is the setting for the shading density. It is specified as a percentage from 0 to 100.
Option 2 for n=10 is ignored.
Option 1 for n=11 specifies the HP-GL/2 user-defined raster fill pattern. This uses the index number which
is defined by the RF command.
Option 2 for n=11 is ignored.
Option 1 for n=21 specifies the PCL cross-hatch patterns. There are 6 types of PCL cross-hatch patterns.
Option 2 for n=21 is ignored.
Option 1 for n=22, the PCL user-defined patterns defined by the ESC*c#W command with a unique ID code.
Option 2 for n=22 is ignored.
Option 1 for n=130, the 64 gray scale shading density. It is specified as a percentage from 0 to 100.
Option 2 for n=130 is ignored.
10 ' - Fill Type -
20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255
30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B";
50 LPRINT "IN;SP1;";
60 LPRINT "PA2000,2000;FT;PR2500,300;ER2500,300;"
70 LPRINT "PR0,300;FT3,80,30;RR2500.300;"
80 LPRINT "PR0,300;FT10,36;RR2500,300;ER2500,300;"
90 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0A";
100 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
110 END
<Sample 39>