The Hobie@ 16 is equipped with a trapeze system for
maximum speed and fun. You should become familiar
with it prior to its use.
Adjust the trapeze line by moving the rope lock up or
down to compensate for your height and the desired
"hiking out" angle. The adjustment should not be such
that the user is easily dragged through the water
when sailing through waves, chop, etc. Sit on the
sidebar as shown and connect the lower end of the
dog bone to your trapeze seat hook.
The trapeze seat components are assembled as
shown, the hook always pointing downward. After
the trap seat has been put on, run the lace lines
through the grommet on the shoulder strap and tie F G E
the lines together in a figure 8 knot. I UR 62
Lean back, holding onto the plastic trapeze handle for
balance, and ease yourself out by pushing away with
your legs. Make sure that your weight is supported
by the trap seat rather than by your "hanging" on the
handle. Otherwise, the hook could become dis-
engaged. DO NOT hook up and fall backwards out
over the side. This could cause overstressing and
failure of the trapeze line.