
X. Mainsheet and Traveller the small padeye on the back side of the
rear crossbar and tie a figure-eight knot to
1. Turn to the mainsheet package. First, at- secure the line. Refer ~o Figures 36 and 37
tach the triple block (part no. 41) to the for the completed mamsheet system. Re-
bale on the boom using the supplied shackle, ~em.ber that the system features a crossed
clevis pin and ring. lIne m the purchase.
2. Attach the mainsheet cleat and triple block
(part no. 42) to the traveller car on the rear ..
crossbar using the other supplied shackle,
clevis pin and ring.
.3. Lead the mainsheet (part no. 43) (42' x ""c'.
7/16" line) from the cleat on the triple 'r"
block, through the padeye, the cleat and the 1:
center sheave (part no. 42). Then take the ,I'.:
line up to the ouside sheave on the boom
block (part no. 41), down through the out-
side sheave on the same side on the lower
blocks and up through the center sheave on
the top blocks. Continue stringing the end
of the mainsheet down through the last
open sheave on the lower blocks, up through Fig 37
the last open sheave on the top blocks, .
down through the small padeye on the
backside of the cleat on the lower blocks
and then secure the end of the line with a
figure-eight knot. For the complete assem-
bly, refer to Fig. 36.
Fig. 36
4. Now rig the traveller line by using the
opposite end of the mainsheet from the one
you just tied off in step 3. Lead this end
through the swivel cleat attached to the
rear crossbar, then the bullseye and finally
through the traveller car which slides on
the rear crossbar. Take the end through