
19. Slip the port diamond wire into the tip of the port
spreader arm. Make sure that the anti-chafing roller on
the diamond wire is above the spreader tip. Secure the
diamond wire by installing one of the long cotter pins (1-
8) through the tip of the spreader.
20. Repeat this procedure for the starboard diamond
21. Tighten the nut (1-15) of the through mast bolt which
is at the lower end of the diamond wires.
22. Tighten the diamond wires by rotating the turnbuckle
bodies. The turnbuckles must be adjusted equally since
over-tightening one side will induce a bend into the
mast. See Figure 14.
The diamond wire adjustment not only affects boat
performance but also affects the mast structural
integrity. If the diamond wires are loose or broken
the mast will be permanently distorted or could fail
completely. The diamond wires cannot be tightened
sufficiently by hand. It will require the assistance of
a wrench to make the last two or three revolutions
of the turnbuckle body. Additionally, the diamond
wire will stretch with use and require periodic
inspection and re-tightening.
23. Once the diamond wires are adjusted, spin the
locknuts up against the turnbuckle body tight. You can
do this by hand.
24. Tie a piece of string through one turnbuckle body
and over through the other turnbuckle body. This will
keep the turnbuckle from unscrewing.
25. Locate the shrouds and forestay in the rig kit. They
are packed together and are the only rigging which is
vinyl coated. The three wires are already attached to a
large shackle. Remove the pin from the shackle and
attach it to the mast tang (1-17) at the lowest of the.
holes in the tang. See Figure 15. Secure the safety wire,
which is attached to the thumbscrew, to the shackle
body. This will keep the pin from unscrewing.
26. The double trapeze wire has a single thimble at its
upper end. Engage this thimble to the shackle on the
opposite set of trapeze wires after you have inserted the
shackle through the upper set of holes in the mast tang.
See Figure 15.
Figure 15
Figure 14