Troubleshooting 4-3
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM User and Reference Guide
Service Information Messages
The Universal Storage Platform V and VM generate service information
messages (SIMs) to identify normal operations (for example, TrueCopy pair
status change) as well as service requirements and errors or failures. For
assistance with SIMs, please call the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
SIMs can be generated by the front-end and back-end directors and by the
SVP. All SIMs generated by the USP V/VM are stored on the SVP for use by
Hitachi Data Systems personnel, logged in the SYS1.LOGREC dataset of the
mainframe host system, displayed by the Storage Navigator software, and
reported over SNMP to the open-system host. The SIM display on Storage
Navigator enables users to remotely view the SIMs reported by the attached
storage systems. Each time a SIM is generated, the amber Message LED on
the control panel turns on. The Hi-Track remote maintenance tool also reports
all SIMs to the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
SIMs are classified according to severity: service, moderate, serious, or acute.
The service and moderate SIMs (lowest severity) do not require immediate
attention and are addressed during routine maintenance. The serious and
acute SIMs (highest severity) are reported to the mainframe host(s) once
every eight hours.
Note: If a serious or acute-level SIM is reported, call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center immediately to ensure that the problem is being addressed.
Figure 4-1 illustrates a typical 32-byte SIM from the USP V/VM. SIMs are
displayed by reference code (RC) and severity. The six-digit RC, which is
composed of bytes 22, 23, and 13, identifies the possible error and determines
the severity. The SIM type, located in byte 28, indicates which component
experienced the error.
0123456 89107 11121314151617181920212223 2524 26 27 28 29 30 31
0090 10 00 00 00E0 44 1000 0C 69 00000000 02 05 10 42 C000 020004 0400 80 30 70 F1F8
SSB22, 23
Indicates SIM.
RC = 307080
SIM type
Figure 4-1 Typical SIM Showing Reference Code and SIM Type