
Creating a New Configuration File
To create a different preset (or presets), you must first create a new configuration
Click File>New (or enter CTL + N). This clears all the data entry fields and
enters ‘New’ as the Current Configuration file name.
Enter data for the first preset (Preset 1) in all data entry boxes in the
Current Config file, Preset Configuration and DRM Configuration areas
of the window. Note that all these fields are mandatory. The File Name in the
BWF/MPEG File Info area is also mandatory, but Company Name, Reporter
Name and Description are optional and may be left empty if wished. Note
that only the characters A-Z and 0-9 are allowed in the File Name field.
Click the SAVE button (or click File>Save, or enter CTL + S). The Save File
As dialogue box opens. Enter a name for the configuration file in the File
name box and click Save. The dialogue box dismisses. In the FlashMic
Manager window, note the Current Configuration file name is now the name
just entered.
If you want to create further presets within this configuration file, select
a new number in the Select Preset drop-down box (it is normal, though not
essential, to work in numerical order!), which clears all the data entry boxes.
Enter the data for the new presets in turn, as before. Note that two
options in the DRM Configuration area of the window - Battery and Enable
Configuration changes in DRM – retain the selection that was made when
creating the initial preset. This is because these two parameters are ‘global’,
and apply to all the presets in the configuration file.
On SAVEing, the configuration file already created will be updated with the
additional presets. It is then possible to upload this configuration file. See
Uploading a Configuration File to the FlashMic.
Modifying an Existing Configuration
You may wish to change an existing configuration file in some way, or possibly use
an existing file as a starting point for a different one. Any parameters in one or more
presets may be changed.
Click File>Open (or enter CTL + O). The Select file to Open/Load dialogue
box opens.
The available configuration files (*.cfg) will be listed. Select the file to be
used, and click Open. This dismisses the dialogue box, and FlashMic
Manager will now be loaded with the file. The filename appears as the
Current Configuration file in the window’s top area.
The data for Preset 1 is displayed. Either modify the parameters for this
preset, or select a different preset for modification.
After all necessary changes have been made to the chosen preset, click
SAVE if you don’t want to keep the original set of preset parameters
(i.e. in the configuration file you opened). The set of presets will be saved
as a configuration file with the same name. If you want to create a new
configuration file from the altered presets, click File>Save As, and enter a
new name in the Save File As dialogue box which opens. Click Save.
If you attempt to open a different preset before saving the changes to the
current one a warning will open, prompting you to save the changes first.