
Install the HP Model 30/FC High Availability Disk Array Software
The HP Model 30/FC High Availability Disk Array software consists of the following host-resident utility:
ArrayGUIde is a software tool for managing HP Model 30/FC High Availability Disk Arrays connected to HP
NetServers. ArrayGUIde consists of a graphical user interface (GUI), called Arraymgr, and a storage system agent,
called Agent.
Arraymgr is used to configure disk arrays and monitor their status from any host on a TCP/IP network.
Agent runs in the background on an HP NetServer.
Install this software utility by following the detailed instructions included in the NT Addendum, Hewlett-Packard Model
30/FC High Availability Disk Array User’s Guide and Service Manual Addendum for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
(part number A3661-90019). The disk array should be powered up while this utility is installed.
1. To install ArrayGUIde, see the Installing ArrayGUIde section of chapter 8 of the NT Addendum.