Typical electrostatic voltage levels
Relative humidity
Event 10% 40% 55%
Walking across carpet 35,000 V 15,000 V 7,500 V
Walking across vinyl floor 12,000 V 5,000 V 3,000 V
Motions of bench worker 6,000 V 800 V 400 V
Removing DIPS from plastic tube 2,000 V 700 V 400 V
Removing DIPS from vinyl tray 11,500 V 4,000 V 2,000 V
Removing DIPS from Styrofoam 14,500 V 5,000 V 3,500 V
Removing bubble pack from PCB 26,500 V 20,000 V 7,000 V
Packing PCBs in foam-lined box 21,000 V 11,000 V 5,000 V
20 Chapter 4 Removal and replacement procedures