Installing and Configuring PPU Software
Configuring PPU Software
Chapter 3 31
NOTE You can set the utility meter, proxy server, username/password, and
system identifier (or any combination) with the single command:
/usr/sbin/ppuconfig -m meter -p proxy[:port] -u -s system_id
Viewing the System Settings
You can view the utility meter, proxy server, proxy-server username,
proxy-server password (not displayed), and system identifier settings
with the ppuconfig command (with no options).
Example 3-1 Viewing system settings using the ppuconfig command
Utility Meter IP/Hostname: meter1.corp.com
Proxy Server: Not Set
Proxy Username: Not Set
Proxy Password: Not Set
System Identifier superdome1.corp.com
See the “ppuconfig (1M) Manpage” on page 73 for details of the ppuconfig
Verifying the https Connection
After you have specified the utility meter and (if desired) system
identifier settings, execute the following command to verify the utility
meter configuration:
/usr/sbin/ppuconfig -t
You should see output similar to:
Round trip communication with the utility meter succeeded
If you do not receive the above message, correct the utility meter
configuration — according to the error message received.
If you receive the correct message, your PPU system/partition is properly
configured and no further configuration action is necessary.