
Diagnostics menu 100
File menu 98
navigating and selecting 97
restoring factory settings 97
Security menu 98
System Configuration
menu 101
using 97
computer specifications 104
docking 18
power 17
service considerations 38
creating a backup 136
creating recovery points 141
device configurations 101
Diagnostics menu 100
Disk Sanitizer 99
diskette drive
precautions 38
product description 4
spare part number 29
display assembly
removal 48
spare part numbers 20, 21,
32, 35, 48
display assembly with integrated
spare part numbers 32, 34,
display bezel
release 48
removal 72
spare part numbers 21, 34,
35, 72
display bezel with integrated
webcam, spare part number 34
display component recycling 149
display components 9
display hinge
removal 72
spare part number 21, 33,
34, 73
display inverter
removal 48
spare part number 22, 48
display panel
product description 2
removal 73
display release latch 15
display specifications 105, 106,
display switch 12
docking connector 18
docking support, product
description 5
drive light 14, 15
DriveLock password 99
DriveLock, automatic 99
boot order 101
preventing damage 38
Dual-Core CPU 102
precautions 38
removal 46
spare part number 25, 28,
29, 33, 46
specifications 111
DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive
precautions 38
spare part number 29
DVD±RW and CD-RW SuperMulti
DL Combo Drive with LightScribe
removal 46
spare part number 25, 28,
33, 46
electrostatic discharge 39
eSATA port 16
esc key 12
Ethernet, product description 4
Execution Disable 101
ExpressCard assembly
removal 89
spare part number 33, 89
ExpressCard slot 16
ExpressCard slot insert,
illustrated 27
extended life battery, spare part
number 30
external media cards, product
description 5
external monitor port
location 17
pin assignments 144
External MultiBay II power cable
and stand, spare part
number 29
External MultiBay II, spare part
number 29
f11 recovery 138
removal 79
spare part number 23, 79
spare part numbers 33
illustrated 27
locations 43
spare part number 43
File menu 98
fingerprint reader board, spare part
number 23, 33
fn key 12
front components 15
function keys 13
graphics card
removal 85
spare part numbers 23, 33,
34, 85
graphics, product description 2
grounding equipment and
methods 41
hard disk test 100
hard drive
location 18
precautions 38
product description 3
removal 50
spare part number 34
spare part numbers 25, 28,
33, 35, 50
specifications 108
hard drive backup 141
hard drive bay 18
hard drive bracket, removal 52
156 Index