
Model 744 Board Computer Overview
Supported Products
Supported Products
Only products with Hewlett-Packard approved parts, accessories, peripher-
als, operating systems, and application programs are supported by Hewlett-
Packard. Any product with other than HP approved hardware or software
connected or installed must have the non-HP approved hardware and soft-
ware removed by the customer before on-site repair is conducted. The fol-
lowing lists describe the products supported by HP.
Accessory Cards
The Model 744 supports the following accessory cards:
HP A4219A expansion kit
Memory; one or more of the following RAM cards is supported on
either the HP-UX or HP-RT operating system:
HP A4501A 16 MB RAM card (HP-RT only)
HP A4502A 32 MB RAM card
HP A4503A 64 MB RAM card
HP A4449A 128 MB RAM card
NOTE: HP-UX requires a minimum of 32 MB RAM. HP-RT requires a minimum of
16 MB RAM.
Mezzanine (GSC expansion kit) cards:
HP A4267A 8-plane color graphics card
HP A4268A FWD SCSI (supported only by HP-UX)
HP J3420A ATM Network Card (supported only by HP-UX)
PCMCIA (supported only by HP-RT)
Sub-Mezzanine Cards:
HCXR8 graphics card
HCRX24 graphics card