
RSCN Registered state change notication. A switch function that allows notication of
fabric changes to be sent from the switch to the specied nodes.
SAN Storage area net work. A network of systems and storage devices that
communicate using FC protocols.
SDRAM Synchronous dynamic random access memory. The main memory for a switch.
See also ???.
sequence A group of related frames transmitted in the same direction between two
service rate The rate at which an entity can service requests.
single mode The ber optic cabling standard that c orresponds to distances up to 10 km
between devices.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. An Internet managem ent protocol that
uses either IP for network-level functions and UD P for transport functions, or
TCP/IP for both. SNMP can be made available over other protocols (such as
UDP/IP) because it does not rely on the underlying communication protocols.
See also ???, ??? .
SNS Simple Name Server. A switch service that stores names , addresses, and
attributes for up to 15 minutes, and provides them as required to other d evices in
thefabric.Mayalsobereferredtoasadirector y service.
switch Hardware that routes frames according to FC protocol and is controlled by
software .
switch port A p ort on a switch. Switch ports can be E_Ports, F_Ports, or FL_Ports.
SWL short-wavelength. A type of ber optic cabling that is based on 850 mm lasers
and supports link speeds up to 2 Gb/s. May also refer to the type of transceiver.
tenancy The time span that begins when a por t wins arbitra tion in a loop and ends when
the same port returns to the monitoring state. Also called loop tenancy.
throughput The rate of data ow achieved within a cable, link, or system. Usually measu red
in bits per second (b/s).
topology With respect to FC, the conguration of the FC network and the resulting
communication paths allowed. There are three possible topologies:
Point-to-point: A direct link between two communication ports
Switched fabric: Multiple N_Ports linked to a swi tch by F_Ports
Arbitrated loo p : Multiple NL_Ports connected in a loop
A 10-bit character encoded according to the rules of the 8b/10b algorithm.
transmission word A group of transmission characters.
trap (SNMP) The message sent by an SNMP agent to inform the SNMP management station
of a critical error. See also ???.
U_Port Universal port. A switch port that can operate as a G_Port, E_Port, F_Port, or
FL_Port. A port is dened as a U_Por t when it is not connected or has not yet
assumed a specicfunctioninthefabric.See also ???, ???, ???.
With respect to FC, a logical address dened by the FC standards as assigned
to a specic function and stored on the switch.