
Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Operation
Configuring PoE Operation
Table 11-1. Power Classes and Their Values
Power Class Value
0 Depends on cable type and PoE architecture. Maximum
power level output of 15.4 watts at the PSE.
This is the default class; if there isn’t enough information
about the load for a specific classification, the PSE
classifies the load as class 0 (zero).
1 Requires at least 4 watts at the PSE.
2 Requires at least 7 watts at the PSE.
3 15.4 watts
4 For PoE+
Maximum power level output of 30 watts at the PSE.
For example, to allocate by class for ports 6 - 8:
ProCurve(config)# int 6-8 PoE-allocate-by class
Manually Configuring PoE Power Levels
You can specify a power level (in watts) allocated for a port by using the value
option. This is the maximum amount of power that will be delivered.
To configure a port by value, first set the PoE allocation by entering the poe-
allocate-by value command:
ProCurve(config)# int 6 poe-allocate-by value
or in interface context:
ProCurve(eth-6)# poe-allocate-by value
Then select a value:
ProCurve(config)# int 6 poe-value 15
or in interface context:
ProCurve(eth-6)# poe-value 15
To view the settings, enter the show power-over-ethernet command: