
Common Questions & Answers
Q. My humidity is too low. Why isn’t the humidifier working?
A. This is one of the most common questions from homeowners with new humidifiers. There are
many factors that decide how well a home will be humidified. The primary factors are the size
of the home and how well it is insulated (assuming the humidifier is installed properly). The issue
could range from something as simple as the humidistat setting not being set high enough to a
complex situation involving the home environment and material construction. New cabinets,
wood floors and furniture have the tendency to absorb moisture quickly. These wood materials
will continue to absorb moisture until their saturation point is reached. In addition, doors that
open and close often will allow the internal humidity to escape into the outdoors. The size of
crawlspaces, such as attics and dead spaces in construction will also affect how well the living
space is humidified. If you have concerns or questions about the operation of the humidifier,
consult your dealer for an on-site inspection and analysis.
Q. The humidifier is running all the time. Is this normal?
A. The humidistat may be broken or your home may have a high transfer of air. Drafts and leaky
construction will allow the humidity to expand to fill whatever space it is in. If your home is not
sealed tightly, the humidity will escape into the outside air, wasting your electricity and water.
Another cause could be an improper electrical installation. The humidifier is designed to be used
in conjunction with the furnace blower.
Q. Water is constantly flowing out the humidifier drain and I am afraid that it is wasting water.
Should I be concerned?
A. Flow-thru humidifiers are designed to use the action of flowing water to continuously flush
minerals and debris from the evaporator pad when the HVAC system is running and there is a
demand for additional humidity, thus increasing their useful life expectancy and resulting in
fewer maintenance needs. However, if the water usage is constant and does not appear to cycle
with the HVAC system turning ON and OFF, servicing may be necessary.
Q. Where do I get the parts that must be replaced on a regular basis?
A. Your dealer can help supply you with the parts you need.
Q. I do not need my humidifier on all year round. What do I do during the summer months?
A. First, turn the saddle valve to the OFF position. In some installations, a damper will be installed
on the ductwork that will allow you to shut off the air from the regular HVAC system. This
damper will keep cooler air from flowing into the humidifier and wasting electricity.
Q. How do I control the humidifier and the level of humidity in my home?
A. The humidistat is the only way the humidifier understands how much humidity is in the air. A
nylon element in the humidistat expands and contracts as the humidity level changes and this
movement signals the unit to turn ON and OFF.
If you have questions not answered here, please contact:
CareCo Service Dept.,
415 Wabash Ave., P.O. Box 200, Effingham, Illinois, 62401
Phone: 1-800-227-3917
E-mail: fiaqcustomerservice@fedders.com