
powers and abilities as all of the other Joiner Players in the
game, except for in the TAGM game (see page 20) in which the
TAG MASTER has the same number of tags and reloads as all of
the other players combined.
All programmed games run for a given time (programmed by
the TAG MASTER). Once the game ends, all players bring their
TAGGER units together with the TAG MASTER TAGGER, which
automatically “debriefs” them. The TAG MASTER TAGGER learns
how well each player did in the game, and then automatically
ranks all players and teams, so that each player can see how
well they did as compared to the other teams and players
in the game.
In all of the games except for Zone games (RESP, 2TRSP,
3TRSP, OWNZ, 2TOZ, and 3TOZ) the TAG MASTER plays using the
TAG MASTER TAGGER. In Zone games, the TAG MASTER must
program the game into one TAGGER, which becomes the ZONE
TAGGER, and then use his/her own TAGGER to JOIN the game
like any other player.
The Zone TAGGER should be set-up so that it is level, not hidden
from view, and can easily broadcast its beacon to a large
enough area that players may move around in it and still remain
“In the Zone.”
Think you’ve got what it takes to be the TAG MASTER? Prove it
by being the winner in your first game of LAZER TAG! Earn this
title and you will have the privileges of being the host for the
next game!
All of the games except Classic LAZER TAG require the game
options to be programmed by the TAG MASTER. Any player
can be the TAG MASTER, but there is only one per game. Once
the TAG MASTER has programmed all of the game options into
his/her TAGGER, it will automatically transfer the options to all
of the other TAGGER units as they join the game (these players
are called Joiners). The TAG MASTER will have exactly the same
The TAGGER will go to sleep and the game will be lost. The LCD
screen will scroll www.lazertag.com before shutting down.
NOTE: During any Hosted Game, and until the time expires or
the game is called off early by the Host, you must hold 2nd F
and press CANCEL while holding down the TRIGGER and SHIELD
at the same time in order to put your TAGGER to sleep (this
prevents accidental shut-off).