G4003G Gunsmith's Lathe
Figure 23. Steady rest in place.
Mounting Bolt
Steady Rest
The steady rest supports long, small diameter
stock that otherwise could not be turned because
of deflection.
We replaced the common brass wear pads at
the ends of the fingers with bearings. Having
bearings here maintains consistent non-wearing
support throughout the cut. The steady rest can
also replace the tailstock to allow for cutting tool
access at the end of your workpiece.
To use the steady rest:
1. Secure the steady rest to the bedway from
below with the locking plate, then snug the
mounting bolt (
Figure 23).
The follow rest is normally used with small diam-
eter stock to prevent the workpiece from “spring
ing” under pressure from the turning tool.
We replaced the common brass wear pads at
the ends of the fingers with bearings. Having
bearings here maintains consistent non-wearing
support throughout the cut. The steady rest can
also replace the tailstock to allow for cutting tool
access at the end of your workpiece.
To use the follow rest:
1. Secure the follow rest to the saddle with the
two cap screws (
Figure 24).
Follow Rest
2. Adjust the fingers until the bearings make
contact and support the workpiece. Do not
over adjust the fingers or they will cause
deflection in the workpiece.
3. Oil the finger bearings and the rolling sur-
faces while in use to assist in friction-free
2. Adjust the fingers until the bearings make
contact and support the workpiece. Do not
over adjust the fingers as to cause deflection
in the workpiece.
3. Lubricate the finger bearings and the rolling
surfaces while in use to assist in low friction
Figure 24. Follow rest secured to saddle.
Mounting Cap Screws