
I. Fine Downfeed Handwheel: 
     
J. Auto-Downfeed Direction Pin: 
Quill Auto-Downfeed
1. OFF
2. 
3. 
Note: The increments marked on the auto-
downfeed stop represent 0.001" of quill move-
ment, with one full revolution equal to 0.010"
of quill movement.
4. 
Note: The auto-downfeed direction pin has
three positions—in, center, and out. Moving
the pin to the in or out positions will start or
reverse quill movement. Move it to the center
position to stop the quill movement.
5.      
6. ON
7. 
Fine & Auto-Downfeed Components
     
 Figure 40     
A. Auto-Downfeed Rate Selector: 
B. Quill Auto-Downfeed Selector: 
C. Quill Dog:   
D. Auto-Downfeed Stop:   
E. Auto-Downfeed Stop Lock: 
F. Quill Lock: 
G. Auto-Downfeed Scale:   
      
H. Auto-Downfeed Clutch Lever: 
Figure 40.