14 311593N
Pressure Relief Procedure
1. Set START/STOP switch (ST) to STOP. See FIG. 4.
2. Push in SECURE DISABLE (SD) switch.
3. Open the back pressure regulator and all fluid drain
valves in the system, having a waste container
ready to catch drainage. Leave open until you are
ready to pressurize system again.
4. Check that pressure gauges on fluid supply and
return lines read zero. If gauges do not read zero,
determine cause and carefully relieve pressure by
VERY SLOWLY loosening a fitting. Clear obstruc-
tion before pressurizing system again.
1. Open the back pressure regulator and any other
accumulators in the system.
2. Start the pump, see Startup.
3. Set START/STOP switch (ST) to STOP. See F
IG. 4.
4. Set the back pressure regulator as desired. The
system is ready to run.
1. Close the main power disconnect.
2. Use the VFD to set motor to a low flow (approxi-
mately 15 Hz). Adjust as needed. See VFD manual
311596 for specific flow set procedure.
3. Push in SECURE DISABLE (SD) switch.
4. Set START/STOP switch (ST) to STOP. See F
IG. 4.
5. Pull the SECURE DISABLE switch (SD) out to dis-
engage it.
6. Set the motor speed on the VFD to achieve the
desired flow rate (see F
IG. 7).
7. Set START/STOP switch (ST) to START. The speed
will ramp up; it is not an immediate change.
8. Set BPR to obtain desired line pressure.
Relieve pressure, page 14.
System pressure can cause the pump to cycle unex-
pectedly, which could result in serious injury from
splashing or moving parts.
Do not exceed a motor speed of 60 Hz for more than 3