GGeenneerraacc GGNN--332200//336600//441100 EEnnggiinnee
— 13 —
This engine should be started at least once a week and run for at
least 30 minutes. If this cannot be done and the equipment must
be stored for more than 30 days, use the following guidelines to
prepare it for storage.
WARNING: Never store the engine with the fuel in the tank
indoors or in an enclosed, poorly ventilated areas, where
fumes can reach an open flame spark or pilot light as on a
furnace, water heater, or clothes dryer.
1. Run the engine for about five (5) minutes to warm it.
NOTE: Alcohol-blended fuel, or “gasohol”, attracts moisture which
can lead to the separation and formation of acids during
storage. This acidic gas can damage internal engine parts.
Methanol, ethanol and grain alcohol all are forms of
gasohol. If you did use “gasohol,” drain the fuel tank, then
run the engine until it stops from lack of fuel.
WARNING: Drain the fuel into approved container outdoors,
away from open flame. Be sure the engine is cool.
NOTE: Using a fuel additive such as STA-BIL® fuel stabilizer, or an
equivalent, will prevent gum deposits from forming in the
engine’s fuel system.
2. While the engine is still warm, drain the oil from the
crankcase. Refill with it with fresh oil. See BEFORE
STARTING ENGINE on Page 6 for oil recommendations.
3. Remove spark plug and pour about 1/2 ounce (15ml) of
engine oil into the cylinder. Crank slowly to distribute oil.
CAUTION: Avoid spray from the spark plug hole when
cranking the engine slowly.
4. Install the spark plug. Do not connect the spark plug wire.
5. Clean the dirt, oil and grease from the cylinder, cylinder head,
fins, blower housing, rotating screen and muffler area.
6. Close the fuel shut-off valve.
1. Do not store gasoline from one season to another.
2. Replace the gasoline can if it starts to rust. Rust and/or dirt
in a gasoline can cause problems when you use that fuel
with this equipment.
3. Store the equipment in a clean and dry area.
Model GN-320 GN-360 GN-410
Bore 80mm 85mm 90mm
Stroke 64mm 64mm 64mm
Valve Clearance 0.05–0.10mm 0.05–0.10mm 0.05–0.10mm
Displacement 321cc 363cc 407cc
Maximum Tilt Angle
While Operating 15° 15° 15°
Oil Capacity with Oil 1500ml 1500ml 1500ml
Filter (51 oz.) (51 oz.) (51 oz.)
Oil Capacity without Oil 1350 ml 1350 ml 1350 ml
Filter (46 oz.) (46 oz.) (46 oz.)