To use the HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver, the following connections must be made:
1. A HDMI jumper cable is connected between the HDMI output port and the
HDMI extension input port.
2. The DDC and Video CAT-5e cable must be connected between the 8x4 CAT-
5 Matrix for HDMI and the HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver.
3. A HDMI display is connected to the HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver.
4. The included power supply is connected to the HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver.
Once these connections are properly made, the HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver can
be used to select which HDMI source will be viewed on the connected display.
To select a HDMI source, depress the direct input buttons located on the top
panel of the HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver. 2 sources (A and B) are available for
each input. Each press of the Input button will toggle between the two sources
connected to the input.
Button A selects HDMI Input 1 A and B
Button B selects HDMI Input 2 A and B
Button C selects HDMI Input 3 A and B
Button D selects HDMI Input 4 A and B
Switching can also be done using the included IR remote control (page 19) or via
the RS-232 serial control interface (page 23).
NOTE: Switching of HDMI sources is limited to the one display that is connected
to a particular HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver. For example, it is not possible to
switch a HDMI source on a display connected to HDMI output 2 with the remote
at the display location of HDMI output 1. However, if another HDMI Over CAT5
receiver is viewing the same source and the user switches
IR Blaster Functionality
To control HDMI sources from the remote location, a optional IR blaster (Part#
EXT-2IREMIT) can be attached for each HDMI Over CAT5 Receiver on the 8x4
CAT-5 Matrix for HDMI. IR remote control commands can then be relayed from
each receiver to the device(s) connected to the blaster from the 8x4 CAT-5 Matrix
for HDMI.