
Congratulations on your purchase of the 4x4 Component Matrix Over CAT-5.
Your complete satisfaction is very important to us.
Gefen delivers innovative, progressive computer and electronics add-on solutions
that harness integration, extension, distribution and conversion technologies.
Gefen’s reliable, plug-and-play products supplement cross-platform computer
systems, professional audio/video environments and HDTV systems of all sizes
with hard-working solutions that are easy to implement and simple to operate.
The Gefen 4x4 Component Matrix Over CAT-5
The Gefen 4x4 Component/Audio CAT5 Matrix offers unprecedented exibility
and convenience by routing high de nition video and analog/digital audio
from any of four Component video sources to any of 4 remote displays over
inexpensive, standard CAT5 cabling.
Each remote display has a control box that allows the viewer to select any of the
4 video sources and control that source via an IR remote control as if the viewer
was standing in the room where the source originates.
Full High-Resolution HDTV signals are supported up to a resolution of 1080p at a
maximum distance of 1000 feet. The Gefen 4x4 Component/Audio CAT5 Matrix
works with any Component video source including DVD players, cable boxes,
and satellite set-top boxes that connect to a Component display. Every source is
accessible at all times by any display by selecting it with the IR remote.
How It Works
You simply connect up to 4 local Component video and analog/digital audio
sources to the CAT5-Matrix’s inputs. Connect the included 1-foot loop back
cables into the upper board for the CAT5 extension function. Then run each of
your CAT5 cables from the Matrix to the remote displays. At each remote display,
terminate the CAT5 cable run with a Component/Audio CAT5 Receiver device.
Connect each Receiver to a display and your analog/digital audio equipment and
you’re all set.