If yotlrclothes and household
items don’tlook clean ~andfresh
after washing,you willprobably
re-wash them... and that means
you’ll waste energy.Remember to
sort your clothescarefully and load
thenlproperly, select correct
cycles, use enough detergentand
c~zoosea water ternperatllrewarm
eiloligllto releaseand get rid of
QUse Hot Wash—upto 150°F.—
on a regldarbasis onl)~when
washing heavily soiled articles—
such as work and play clothes.
washin waterabove80”F.(27”C.).
your washer—temperatures
approximate]y 90°to 11O°F.or hand
comfortable.If you noticethat soil
has accumulatedafter several
consecutivewashings,useHot Wash
occasionally.if safefor fabrics.
,, ,. ~..
~Try to wash less often.Save
articles of the sametype of fabric
until you have a full load.
IJIf you must wash smaller loads,
adjust the amount of water. Small
loads shouldhave lower water
@Wash in off-peak utilityhours.
Yourlocal utility can tell you
which are the off-peakhours.
*Use Normal Spin Speed to
remove more water and help lessen
drying time. The dryer will remove
any wrinkles caused by the Normal
oUse your Mini-BasketT”tub for
very small loads. It uses less water
than the small water level in the
big tub on this washer. You Wi]l
also save on detergent and energy.
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