Refer toGarmentMmtiactirers9 careLabels
Liquid chlorine type.
Only non-chlorine bleachwhen needed.
White or colorfast, liquid chlorinetype.
Non-colorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
when needed.
White or colorfast, liquid chlorinetype,
Non-colorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
when needed.
White or colorfast, liquid chlorinetype.
Non-colorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
when needed.
No bleach
Seldom needed. If needed, use only
non-chlorine bleach.
No bleach
White or colofidst, liquid chlorine type.
Only non-chlorine bieach when needed.
No bleach
No bleach
White or colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
White or colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
White or coloti~st, liquidchlorine type,
If colorfast is unusuallysoiled,use hot water. Use maximumdetergentrecommendedon
page 13.
Use maximumdetergent recommendedin guide on page 13.
Small loads reduce wrinkling.Use maximum Detergentrecommended in guide onpage 13.
Use Extra CleanCycle—seepage 5.
If unusuallysoiled, use hotwater, Use maximum detergentrecommended in guide on
page 13.Small loads reducewrinkling.
Washonly if recommendedby the garment manufacturer. Follow instructions carefully.
Washin your washer onlyif recommended by the garment manufacturer.
Washfrequentlyto fluff upthe down andretain the garment’swarmth. Washseparately.Wet
down gives off an odor whichmay be absorbed by other garments. Odor disappears when
garment is dry.Treat heavily soiled areas with liquid detergent or paste made of water and
granular detergent. Close zippers. Wash 2 or 3 at a time or add towels to balance.
Youmay prefer to use a mild type detergent. Do baby clothes separately, Pretreat spots.
Rinse diapers, nightgowns,pads and sheets after use. Keep diapers in a covered pail of cold
water and conditioningagentlike Borateem brand.
Youmayprefer to use a mild type detergent. Do hand-knitgarments by hand.
Fill washer,add detergent,allowto dissolve before addingblanket. Do oneblanket at a time.
Pretreat heavily soiled spots with liquid detergent. -
On electric blanket, sew a strong piece of cloth over plug to protect blanket and washer from
damage. Do one blanket at a time: Pretreat heavily s6iled spots with liquid dete~ent.
Vacuumout loose dirt before washing.
Washonly 2 or 3 rllgs or mats at one time. Shake before washing to remove excess dirt.
For ncw “indigo blue”jeans, wash at least 3 times in very small loads with full water fill.
Jeans need ample room to move to avoi(i white lines at creases. May discolor plastic washer
parts. Subsequent washings will reduce discolorations, but will probably never eliminate it.
The staine(i parts wili not discolor subse(]uentwashing loads.
Tllmbleon FLUFF (No Heat)
Pillows are made of different l~~:itel.i:]ls–dac]<oll,fiber, foam, polyester, natural feathers and
cio~vn.Many pi]]OWScan be machine wasiled. but i??a]ll{factz{rers’care labc/s ;lzltstl~e.fbllo}t)e[l
c(/)i:/i/llj:T~~}’asilin:is rcc(l’nmcnded,cilcck pillows for weak seams or holes and mend to
prcverltescape of
feilthti~ or fiiling, Fiil washer, add detergent and agitate for several minutes
to ~iissolvcLirter:cnt. ,L4~i~it~vopiilows at a time to balance load, use high water level.
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