45>A4H>D20;;5>AB4AE824P ??;80=24B2><
%'$!" %>BB81;40DB4B ,70C)>>
)8<4'4<08=8=6 )744BC8<0C43C8<4<0H270=64 • This is normal.
9D<?43C>0 F74=0B<0;;4A;>03C70=DBD0;
;>F4A=D<14A 8B3AH8=6
0==>C<0:40 )74'.#(( !+!)"% • This is normal.
B4;42C8>=0=3C74 >A $%)$# C70CH>D0A4
3AH4A144?BCF824 CAH8=6C>B4;42C8B8=2><?0C81;4
AH4A8BAD==8=61DC )74-)#)*"! • This is normal. During extended tumbling, the time
8B38B?;0H438= >?C8>=F0B27>B4= remaining is not displayed. The extended tumbling
)8<4'4<08=8=6 option lasts approximately 20 minutes.
;40=!8=C8;C4A<4BB064 %$,' 1DCC>=F0B02C8E0C43 • Press ()')%*( to begin a dry cycle and the message
will disappear.
AH4A3>4B=TC740C DB48B1;>F=28A2D8C1A40:4A • Check the building’s fuse/circuit breaker box and
8BCA8??43C743AH4A<0HCD<1;4 replace both fuses or reset both breakers. Your dryer
1DC=>C740C may tumble if only one fuse is blown or one breaker
0BB4AE8248B>55 • Make sure gas shutoff at dryer and main shutoff are
fully open.
!%60BBD??;HC0=:8B4<?CH • Refill or replace tank. Dryer should heat when utility
>AC74A470B144=0DC8;8CH service is restored.
=2>=B8BC4=C3AH8=6C8<4B )H?4>5740C • Drying time will vary according to the type of heat used.
If you recently changed from an electric to a gas
(natural or LP) dryer, or vice versa, the drying time
could be different.
)H?4>5;>030=3 • The load size, types of fabric, wetness of clothes and the
3AH8=62>=38C8>=B length and condition of the exhaust system will affect
drying times.
;>F0CC74A40A 40C4AB1478=3C743AD< • This is normal. Under certain drying conditions and
>5C743AD< room ambient lighting, the glow of the heaters may be
visible at the rear of the drum.
;>C74B0A4BC8;;F4C )743>>AF0B>?4=43<832H2;4 • A dry cycle must be reselected each time a new load
0=33AH4AB7DC>55 )74;>03F0BC74=A4<>E435A>< is put in.
05C4A0B7>ACC8<4 C743AH4A0=30=4F;>03?DC8=
(<0;;;>03 • When drying 3 items or less, choose (%'. or
!>03F0B0;A403H3AH4G24?C • Choose (%'. or )"'. to dry damp collars
5>A2>;;0AB0=3F08BC10=3B and waistbands. In the future, when drying a load with
collars and waistbands, choose "$''..
AH4A8B=>C;4E4; • Move dryer to an even floor space or adjust leveling legs
as necessary until even.
;>C74B0A4FA8=:;43 $E4A3AH8=6 • Select a shorter drying time.
• Remove items while they still hold a slight amount of
moisture. Select a !(('. or "% setting.
!4CC8=68C4<BB8C8=3AH4A05C4A • Remove items when cycle ends and fold or hang
2H2;44=3B immediately, or use the -)#)*"!option.
$E4A;>038=6 • Separate large loads into smaller ones.