AH4A=C4A8>A0=3D2CThe interior of the
appliance and exhaust duct should be
cleaned once a year by qualified service
)74GC4A8>AWipe or dust any spills or
washing compounds with a damp cloth.
Dryer control panel and finishes may be
damaged by some laundry pretreatment
soil and stain remover products. Apply these
products away from the dryer. The fabric
may then be washed and dried normally.
Damage to your dryer caused by these
products is not covered by your warranty.
Do not touch the surface or the display with
sharp objects.
)74!8=C8;C4A Clean the lint filter before
each use. Remove by pulling straight up.
Run your fingers across the filter. A waxy
buildup may form on the lint filter from
using dryer-added fabric softener sheets. To
remove this buildup, wash the lint screen in
warm, soapy water. Dry thoroughly and
replace. Do not operate the dryer without
the lint filter in place.
Vacuum the lint from the dryer lint
filter if you notice a change in dryer
(C08=;4BB(C44;To clean stainless steel
surfaces, use a damp cloth with a mild,
nonabrasive cleaner suitable for stainless
steel surfaces. Remove the cleaner residue,
and then dry with a clean cloth.
The stainless steel used to make
the dryer drum provides the highest
reliability available in a GE dryer. If
the dryer drum should be scratched or
dented during normal use, the drum
will not rust or corrode. These surface
blemishes will not affect the function
or durability of the drum.
)74G70DBC>>3 Check with a mirror that
the inside flaps of the hood move freely
when operating. Make sure that there is no
wildlife (birds, insects, etc.) nesting inside the
duct or hood.
Permanent Press/
wrinkle resistant
Do not tumble dry
Do not dry
(used with
do not wash)
No heat/air
Line dry/
hang to dry
Drip dry
Dry at
In the shade
As a general rule, if clothes are sorted
properly for the washer, they are sorted
properly for the dryer. Try also to sort items
according to size. For example, do not dry
a sheet with socks or other small items.
Do not add fabric softener sheets once
the load has become warm. They may
cause fabric softener stains. Bounce
Fabric Conditioner Dryer Sheets have
been approved for use in this dryer when
used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
See below for lint filter cleaning instructions.
>=>C>E4A;>03 This wastes energy and
causes wrinkling.
items, woolens, rubber-coated items, plastics,
items with plastic trim and foam-filled items.
Below are fabric care label “symbols” that
affect the clothing you will be laundering.