GFK-2023C 2-1
Safety Instructions
This equipment carries electric currents and contains highly-
sensitive components. Other than plugging in additional cards or
modules, you should not attempt modifications to the unit. If other
modifications need to be made, the manufacturer or an authorized
service agent must be contacted. The unit must be switched off at
the main power supply and the power cable disconnected during
such work. Suitable precautions must be taken to avoid electrostatic
discharge on contact with components. If an unauthorized person
opens the product case, danger to the user may arise and the
warranty will be void.
To prevent damage to the unit, do not attempt to connect leads
(power supply and port cables) unless the unit is switched off.
Installation Site
The Intelligence Panel is designed for installation in a metal cabinet. The ambient conditions
specified in chapter 8, “Technical Data” must be maintained. Installation in an environment
not specified in Technical Data, for example exposed to extended temperatures or at
extreme altitudes, may void the warranty.
When installing the unit in an environment where there is the
potential for flammable gases, vapors or liquids to be present, the
power cable must be secured to the unit using the enclosed cable
clamp kit. In addition, the power cable must have the male plug
removed and be permanently hard-wired to the AC source. For
details, refer to “Hazardous Locations Installation” in chapter 3.