Failure alarms in the keypad display
Failure alarm Possible causes
BU overload The braking duty cycle is out of the allowed range
Bus loss Failure in the Bus connection (only with interface Bus option card)
Check the Bus connection
EMC compatibility problem, check wiring.
Curr fbk loss Failure in the connection between regulation card and TA transformer.
Check the connection cable on XTA connector.
DSP error Processor program error
Switch off the drive and restart
If unsuccessful there is probably an internal fault. Contact your service office.
Enable seqerr Drive is powered up or RESET* with the ENABLE input connected to 24 VAC (picked up) and
the drive in “terminal mode”. Refer to CONFIGURATION/Main Commands.
External fault External failure, reported on terminal 15
If the "External fault" message is not displayed, the connection is missing between terminals
16 and 18 (reference point) and/or 15 and 19.
If the "External fault" message is displayed:
- The signal on terminal 15 is missing (15 ... 30 V to terminal 16). With an external voltage
supply, commons must be connected together.
Failure supply Fault in the voltage supply; the voltages are below the permitted value
CAUTION: switch off voltage before removing terminal strips.
In most cases the cause is in the external wiring. Pull out the plug-in terminal strips of the
regulator card and enter the Reset command. If no other failures are reported, check your
wiring for a short-circuit, check cable shielding.
If this has not corrected the fault, try to RESET* once more.
If still unsuccessful, the fault is probably internal. Contact your service office.
Heatsink ot (For sizes from 22kW ... and higher). Temperature of the heatsink drive too high.
Failure of device fan.
Failure in the IGBT module on power section.
Fast overload current duty cycle.
Heatsink sensor Ambient temperature too high
Failure of drive fans
Dirty heatsink
Intake air ot (For sizes from 30 Hp and higher). Temperature of the cooling air too high.
Failure of drive fans
Air intake obstructed