Configuring Your Gateway
Table 13. Customer Defined Service Page Options
Option Description
Name Name for identifying the custom service. The name is for reference purposes only.
Type The type of protocol. Choices are TCP, UDP, and TCP/UDP. Default is TCP.
LAN Server IP IP address of the LAN PC or server that is running the service.
Remote IPs Forwards the service to any remote IP address, one remote IP address, or a range of remote IP
Start IP To specify:
• A single remote IP address, enter the remote IP address.
• A range of remote IP addresses, enter the starting IP address here and the ending IP address range in
the next field.
This field is unavailable if the Gateway is configured for any remote IP addresses.
End IP Ending IP address in the remote IP address range. This field is unavailable if the Gateway is configured for
any remote IP addresses or a single remote IP address.
Public IP Ports A single public IP port or a range of public IP ports on which the service is provided. If necessary, contact
the application vendor for this information.
Start Public Port Starting number of the port on which the service is provided.
End Public Port Ending number of the port on which the service is provided. This field is unavailable if the Gateway is
configured for a single public IP port.
Private Ports Numbers of the ports whose traffic the Gateway forwards to the LAN. If there is a range of ports, enter the
starting private port here and check Enable Port Range. The Gateway automatically calculates the end
private port. The LAN PC server listens for traffic/data on this port (or these ports).
SMCD3GN Wireless Cable Modem Gateway User Manual