Using Windows Media Center
To use the Media Center remote control:
1 Press the Start button on the remote control. The Media Center
software starts.
2 Use the remote control navigation buttons to select a Media Center menu
option, then press OK.
Manually updating the Media Center Program Guide
Media Center requires Internet access to
update the Media Center Program Guide.
Make sure that you connect to the
Internet before continuing the manual
Program Guide update instructions.
You can use the Media Center Guide to view TV program schedules, search for
programs by genre, schedule up program recordings, and more. When you first
use the Media Center setup wizard, the Program Guide is set up to automatically
download program information from your cable or satellite service provider.
However, on occasion, you may need to update the Program Guide manually.
To manually update the Media Center Program Guide:
Start Ö SettingsÖ OK Ö TVÖ OK Ö
Guide Ö OKÖ Get guide dataÖ OKÖ
Yes Ö OK
1 Before starting Media Center, make sure that you are connected to the
2 Press the Start button on the remote control. Media Center starts.
3 Navigate to Settings, then press OK. The Settings menu opens.
4 Navigate to TV, then press OK.
5 Navigate to Guide, then press OK.
6 Navigate to Get guide data, then press OK. The Guide Data dialog box
7 Select Ye s , then press OK. Media Center downloads the Program Guide
Button(s) Functions
Shortcut buttons Give you direct access to Media Center features.
Start button Opens the Media Center’s main menu.
Audio/Video (A/V)
control buttons
Control volume levels, volume mute, channel selections, and the DVD menu.
keypad/data entry
Lets you enter numbers and characters from the remote control.
Power button Puts the Media Center computer in Standby mode (reduced power).
Transport buttons Let you replay recorded (buffered) TV and radio programs and play the CD and
DVD player.
Navigation buttons Let you move the cursor around the Guide and menus, make selections, navigate
back to the previous screen, change the screen display aspect ratio, and get more
information. Press the OK button to make a selection.