4021192 Rev A 63
Control Access to the Gateway
Control Access to the Gateway
Access Restrictions > IP Address Filtering
Use the Access Restrictions IP Filtering page to configure IP address filters. These
filters block a range of IP addresses from accessing the Internet.
Note: If you are not familiar with the advanced settings detailed in this section,
contact your service provider before you attempt to change any of the residential
gateway default advanced IP filtering settings.
Select the IP Address Filtering tab to open the Access Restrictions IP Address
Filtering page. After you make your selections, click Save Settings to apply your
changes or Cancel Changes to cancel.
Access Restrictions > MAC Address Filtering
Use the Access Restrictions MAC Address Filtering page to configure MAC address
filters. These filters permit you to allow or block a range of MAC addresses from
accessing the Internet based on MAC Address.
Note: If you are not familiar with the advanced settings detailed in this section,
contact your service provider before you attempt to change any of the residential
gateway default advanced IP filtering settings.